سيليكون الشامبو فروة الرأس مدلك الشعر الشامبو التدليك مشط حمام فروة الرأس مدلك الشعر فرشاة فرشاة أداة الرعاية مشط
اسم: مشط تدليك الشعر
الحجم: 8*7 2.8
مواد: سيليكون البلاستيك
فعالية المنتج: تنظيف مسام الشعر والأوساخ الجذرية وتدليك فروة الرأس وتقليل التعب وتقليل تلف الشعر
1. نظف فروة الرأس جيدًا دون ترك أي بقع ميتة
2. رغوة سهلة ، رغوة سريعة للحد من تهيج
3. تدليك فروة الرأس للاسترخاء والاسترخاء
4. المقبض الممتد لا يضر بتحسين الأظافر ، ويناسب بشكل مريح ويتوافق مع المنحنى المريح
5. تصميم قابل للإزالة لتجنب الأوساخ والأوساخ داخل الوسادة الهوائية
الحزمة تشمل:
فرشاة الشامبو 1 *
K***R –
Goods for 2 tizhni, I recommend mʼyakyi silikonovi denticles for a dotyk
Ю***А –
Shvidka add that delivery
О***о –
Is presatisfied with the purchase, even more easily mite the head. Shvidko was delivered.
Ю***а –
For the greyhing of the infestations ale to be a little thing
А***ш –
The product has arrived, very good, I haven’t used it yet, I like it already, I recommend the seller
AliExpress Shopper –
Good egg
S***o –
Cool stuff, massage the head well. recommend
I***a –
The goods are very old, they have not left.
AliExpress Shopper –
The same shvidka delivery, the trohi is more than Tizhnya) the Poki did not Dawk, let me go, I will be happy with the purchase)
c***c –
Duge class massager. Rubber cloves. Good to rob him scrub for the head
I***a –
A Donka bought a comb for a Mitt head and a bob, and a fool. I really wanted))
I can tell you that there is a massage, especially for the quiet, I will love the style.
The heads of the ruchki Garno to lie in the Russian. Brits can.
b***r –
Shvidka delivery. Yakiste is good.
Б***к –
Will you give me a thrill for the head, if you hold me with this thing, I simply cannot without her. Zplusiv, especially in the money, the head of the Marche is fat (I think Tse through those, if this thing is Garno clean)
E***a –
very good 👍 👏 👌
f***r –
Class shvidko
t***t –
It’s super, the spikes are silicone, the top is plastic. the feeling to the scalp is good.
A***k –
Super, vicone your function is good masadu! I normally came to shvidko for two tizhni!
b***r –
The egg is good,
I came to Ukraine for two companies
Y***l –
She came shvidko, along the obscotches of the viglyadak, not for the dot
T***a –
Garna massage🙂